Friday, January 25, 2013

"Go and Do the Work of the Lord!"

I am truly grateful for all your love and encouragement over the past fifteen months.  One month before I came back to the U.S. to prepare for my second term in Peru, my mom went to be with the Lord on October 26, 2011 and then my father had a sudden home-going on December 13, 2012.  During my entire time here in the U.S., I have been walking through the grieving process as well as visiting churches and working towards my return to Peru.  Thank you to all who sent plants, flowers, cards and emails. I have felt your prayers during this difficult time. 

My dad, Willie, in front of his
elementary schoolhouse
My sister and I cleaned out mom and dad's house and found some wonderful treasures!  We found old Christmas tree ornaments, poems and songs that dad had written and almost 30 letters from my dad and his siblings to my Uncle Ed when he was in the war.  In one letter, my dad's sister, Sophia, describes the new wheat crop looking like a "warm green blanket".  My dad's brothers were farmers for many years and I remember my dad helping his brothers during the harvest season.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, 
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  
Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out 
workers into his harvest field." 
Matthew 9:37-38

My mom, Juanita, holding
flowers from my sister and me

My mind often goes back to September 5, 2003… the day I left for the mission field for the first time.  As I hugged my mom goodbye, she looked at me and said, “Go and do the work of the Lord!”  I will never forget her words to me and I continue to be very encouraged by them today.

Thank you to all who have financially partnered with me on a monthly basis. My return to Peru would not be possible without your prayers and support. I plan to return to Peru in May! I can’t wait to get back to Peru and “do the work of the Lord”!  

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 
Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God 
like a little child will never enter it.”
                                            Mark 10:14-15

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Devastating Fire in Iquitos, Peru

Pictured Above is the back side of our Victória de Jesús school in Iquitos. 

1. The Dec. 20, 2012 fire from a propane tank explosion has left our school with smoke and heat damage and no plumbing. The community thought that two children died, but thankfully they were found the next day.  

2. About 1000 people have been displaced and are using our church and school as the relief centers.  Our LACC school is feeding the community with the food from the feeding program and displaced families are staying in the church and school.  

3. The biggest needs are food, a place to sleep/live and clothing.  We do a feeding program at the school, so the members of the church are now using it to feed the community.  There is no gas, water or electricity in the community, so they are cooking the food over the wood scraps from homes.

The rainy season has begun and the area is flooding causing even more hardship. Rebuilding this community will begin in a few months after the waters subside.

Many have asked how they can help...

Donations can be made payable to "Peru ChildCare"
(in check memo write 8481046 Class 46)
Send to:  Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802

Pictured Below is the Victória de Jesús school during rainy season.  These families live on less than $1/day and have lost their homes and everything that was in them.

May the Lord turn their ashes into 
something beautiful that gives Him glory!