Friday, February 8, 2013

Belén, Iquitos Recovery Update... December 20, 2012 Fire

Thank you to all who have prayed and supported the relief efforts in Belén, Iquitos! When the fire broke out, Assembly of God missionary, Bill Shrader, asked Pastor José what he needed. He said, "Food, shelter and clothing." So the food that is normally used to feed the school children began to daily feed about 500 of the more than 1000 displaced people. Many of these families are sleeping in our Latin America ChildCare School and church. New mattresses were purchased by faithful donors to Latin America ChildCare! 

A local church in Lima where Bill and Lena Shrader attend, helped collect a small mountain of used clothing that was distributed. The main challenge now is the rains have started. The area of Belén is already flooded, so most of the displaced families will not have opportunity to begin the rebuilding process until after the waters recede in April or May. 

To all of you who have given to help the families of Belén Iquitos - Thank You! I will keep you posted on the rebuilding process of this community. The new school year begins in March in all of our Latin America ChildCare schools throughout Peru. Please continue to pray for the children, teachers and pastors - and may the presence of the Lord saturate the country of Peru and bring healing, restoration and a harvest of souls!

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