Friday, June 8, 2012

Park Ridge Christian School Brings Hope To A Needy Child In Peru!

5th - 8th graders at Park Ridge Christian School in Albemarle, NC
On May 25th I met some really great 5th - 8th graders at Park Ridge Christian School in Albemarle, North Carolina. I shared all about Peru and they were very interested in learning about the country and the ministry of Latin America ChildCare!  They asked me some great questions like, "What is the agriculture in Peru?", "What do the kids do there for fun?", "How do they get to school?" and "What is the difference between Roman Catholicism and Christianity?" After almost an hour of talking about Peru, showing pics and answering questions, one of the teachers, Ms. McDonald, asked them if they would like to use the money from a school fundraiser to sponsor a needy child in Peru to go to school.  It was unanimous. Every child raised their hand! Thank you Park Ridge Christian School for investing in the future of Peru and bringing hope to a child in need!

Ms. Ritchie's 2nd grade class
As I was walking to my car, Ms. Ritchie came to me and asked if I could come and speak to her 2nd grade class.  She explained that after devotions her class decided to give their ice cream money for that day to missions! I walked into the class and was greeted with smiles as Ms. Ritchie told them I was a missionary to Peru.  The kids immediately began asking questions and I shared with them what the Lord was doing in Peru through Latin America ChildCare.  Before I left, we prayed for one another and they gave me a ziploc bag filled with their ice cream money which went toward the first monthly payment to sponsor a needy child in Peru!

"Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, for 
the kingdom of God belongs to people like these." 
Mark 10:14

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